Build your business in energy efficiency.
Pearl Edison makes it easy to add electrification as a service offering.

Partner with Pearl Edison to deliver a great customer experience.
Fully Branded
The Pearl Edison platform becomes an extension of your brand - name it, select your palette, add your logo, and go.
Easily Integrated
We accommodate your IT infrastructure and security policies, and get you online fast.
You make the rules. We configure our platform - and the experience of your customers and your trade allies - to reflect your goals.
Pearl Edison Support
You keep the customer relationship - we just help you deliver a great customer experience.
Pearl Edison for Utilities
Accelerate beneficial electrification.
You have electrification goals - but meeting them means helping homeowners to navigate high cost and high complexity. With Pearl Edison, you can help homeowners buy the right system, at an affordable price, from a qualified contractor.
Delight your customers.
Ensure a great customer experience end to end. With Pearl Edison, you ensure that the customer gets quality guidance to inform their purchasing decision, a fixed-price guarantee that includes applicable rebates, the right system design, a quality install, and hands-on post-install support.
Generate new revenue streams.
Electrification is a huge commercial opportunity. With Pearl Edison, you can capture that opportunity - drive electric load growth (where adding load makes the most sense), and serve your customers in new ways.
For free.
We’re your partner, not a vendor. The Pearl Edison platform is typically free to our utility partners.
Pearl Edison is partnering with an investor-owned utility to serve homeowners that heat their homes with delivered fuels - in particular, low-income homeowners that will be eligible for Home Energy Rebates funded by the Inflation Reduction Act, which states will implement later this year. On average, these customers can save $800 by switching from a propane furnace to an air-source heat pump.
Pearl Edison is branding, configuring, and operating an Electrification Concierge platform for this utility, and our utility partner is facilitating outreach to the customers with the strongest economic case for electrification.
Everyone wins - the customer saves and the utility sees load growth.
Pearl Edison for States
Accelerate beneficial electrification.
You have electrification goals - but meeting them means helping homeowners to navigate high cost and high complexity. With Pearl Edison, you can help homeowners buy the right system, at an affordable price, from a qualified contractor.
Direct your dollars where they will be most impactful.
Ensure a great customer experience end to end. With Pearl Edison, you ensure that the customer gets quality guidance to inform their purchasing decision, a fixed-price guarantee that includes applicable rebates, the right system design, a quality install, and hands-on post-install support.
Protect homeowners.
Protecting homeowners means making sure they get quality guidance to inform their purchasing decision, the right system design, and a quality install. With Pearl Edison, you can make sure - not hope! - that this happens.
For free.
We’re your partner, not a vendor. The Pearl Edison platform is typically free to our utility partners.
Pearl Edison partners with State Energy Offices (and their chosen partners and aggregators) to ensure that Home Energy Rebates are deployed according to impact and need. While the Inflation Reduction Act is a historic investment in making energy-efficiency investments more realistic for low-income families, funding is limited. Every “less worthy” project that is funded means a “more worthy” project goes unfunded.
States have a powerful - and difficult - role to play, spanning consumer outreach, education, and protection. We help our state partners manage this at scale.
Pearl Edison for Cities
Accelerate beneficial electrification.
You have electrification goals - but meeting them means helping homeowners to navigate high cost and high complexity. With Pearl Edison, you can help homeowners buy the right system, at an affordable price, from a qualified contractor.
Ensure your city gets your “fair share” - or more.
State and utility resources to support energy efficiency are limited. The best way to ensure that your city gets its fair share is to aggregate “worthy” projects. With Pearl Edison, you can target, reach, and educate the homeowners with the greatest potential climate, cost, and comfort benefits from electrification.
Protect homeowners.
Protecting homeowners means making sure they get quality guidance to inform their purchasing decision, the right system design, and a quality install. With Pearl Edison, you can make sure - not hope! - that this happens.
For free.
We’re your partner, not a vendor. The Pearl Edison platform is typically free to our municipal partners.
Pearl Edison partners with Cities (and their chosen partners) to aggregate qualified electrification and energy efficiency projects, with the goal of reducing cost for homeowners - via rebates and incentives, via financing, and via group buying programs. This includes aggregation of beneficial electrification projects that we expect to be eligible for Home Energy Rebate programs that states will implement in late 2024.
Cities have an important role to play in ensuring that residents are aware of opportunities to reduce their energy burden, and have the support they need to take advantage of those opportunities.
Pearl Edison for OEMs / Retailers
Send higher-quality leads.
Your contractor partners want jobs, not leads. With Pearl Edison, you can send fully contracted work - not just a contact for a potential customer with no signal around purchasing intent. This drives brand loyalty.
Grow your dealer network.
You rely on distributors to expand your dealer network. With Pearl Edison, you can expand your dealer network directly by aggregating high-quality leads and referrals - new potential dealers sign up to see deal flow.
Win online.
You have a great product, but you rely on your partners on the ground to sell it. Don’t lose the online shopper. With Pearl Edison, you can deliver an instant estimate to the customer that would rather shop online than schedule a home assessment.
For free.
We’re your partner, not a vendor. The Pearl Edison platform is typically free to our OEM / Retail partners.
Pearl Edison is partnering with an Heat Pump OEM, to provide an instant system design and estimate to their customers and high-quality referrals to their contractors.
HVAC is a major investment, and homeowners do their own homework - including by researching equipment. Pearl Edison is powering a Heat Pump Concierge tool to guide homeowners on what equipment to buy, what they should expect to pay, and what impacts they should expect on their bills and energy consumption. Our Heat Pump OEM Partner wins too - the instant design and estimate feature their equipment, and referrals go to their chosen partners.
Pearl Edison for Lenders
Generate deal flow.
You want to identify investable energy efficiency projects. With Pearl Edison, you can proactively find these investable projects - informed by real energy modeling - instead of waiting for them to come across your desk.
Stay connected with your customers - after the loan closes.
Your thousands (or millions) of customers will continue to invest in their homes, long after the purchase you financed. With the support of Pearl Edison, you can be a trusted advisor to identify and evaluate these investments.
Serve your customers in new ways.
Electrification is a huge commercial opportunity - in the next two decades, homeowners will spend billions to replace the major systems in their home with efficient electric alternatives. With Pearl Edison, you can capture that opportunity.
For free.
We’re your partner, not a vendor. The Pearl Edison platform is typically free to our lender partners.
Pearl Edison partners with lenders to help their customers identify “slam dunk” opportunities to invest in the energy efficiency of their home. For instance - a homeowner that has a solar array on the roof and natural gas furnace in the basement can likely realize immediate savings net of financing if they install an air-source heat pump that consumes the energy they produce on their roof.
Pearl Edison is branding, configuring, and operating an Electrification Concierge platform for a partner to do exactly this. Our lending partner owns the customer relationship and facilitates outreach to the customers with the strongest economic case for electrification - we ensure that they get the right system for their unique home, from a qualified contractor.
Pearl Edison for Community Organizations
Serve your clients more effectively.
Electrification doesn’t benefit every customer the same, so it can be hard to provide the homeowners you serve with concrete guidance. With Pearl Edison, you can steer your client to the right system for their unique home and goals.
Streamline rebate access.
There are countless programs - state, city, utility, and philanthropic - to make energy efficiency more affordable for low- and middle-income homeowners. However, accessing those programs isn’t simple. With Pearl Edison, you can help your clients access every rebate and incentive dollar they’re eligible for.
Provide a discount to support families that need it most.
For each project you refer to Pearl Edison, we deposit $150 in an account to fund an install for a family that can’t afford to pay. You control this account - you make the call on when and where the discount is applied.
For free.
We’re your partner, not a vendor. The Pearl Edison platform is typically free to our community partners.
Pearl Edison is partnering with a Detroit community organization to identify beneficial electrification programs for homeowners who need energy-efficient heating and cooling systems. During the electrification transition, transparent guidance is going to be more important than ever as families make “kitchen table” decisions that impact their wallet, their comfort, and the climate.
Pearl Edison will brand and operate our Electrification Concierge for our partner to ensure their community members get the right system for their unique home, from a qualified contractor.
Our Partners
We are proud to be trusted by enterprise, government, and community leaders.

Let's work together.
You have electrification goals.
We can help.