Discover Savings with An Energy Audit

Are soaring energy bills making you wonder about your home's efficiency?

Discover the real story with a comprehensive energy audit from Pearl Edison. Our expert audit provides you with a clear, actionable understanding of how your home is performing, so you can make informed decisions on how to improve its energy efficiency.

What to Expect from Your Energy Audit

For a $650 investment, a Pearl Edison energy audit provides a thorough evaluation of your home’s energy performance. You'll receive a detailed report outlining areas for improvement and tailored recommendations to enhance efficiency and reduce your energy bills.

Your Energy Audit is eligible for a $150 federal tax credit and may be eligible for additional rebates based on your utility provider.

Detailed Insights

Our audit delivers a precise evaluation of your home's energy performance, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement.

Custom Recommendations

Receive a personalized report with expert recommendations on measures that will have the most significant impact and return on investment, from weatherization techniques such as blower door-assisted air-sealing to major upgrades such as a new HVAC system.

Data-Driven Decisions

Armed with concrete data, you can make the best choices for both your home and your wallet.

Our Process

Experience a Seamless Path to Enhanced Efficiency

At Pearl Edison, our process ensures a comprehensive and efficient energy audit for your home. This systematic approach helps you make informed decisions that can significantly enhance your home's energy efficiency and lower your utility costs.

Don’t let inefficiencies drain your wallet.

Schedule your energy audit with Pearl Edison today and take the first step towards a more energy-efficient home.